Remember to follow the spirit of the law, rather than the letter of the law. THE LAW OF REASON = 3 BASIC DISTORTIONS OF THE ONE -THE 1ST DISTORTION = FREE WILL -QUESTION: The 1st distortion of intelligent infinity is free will. Can you give a definition of this distortion? -RA: In this distortion of the Law of One it is recognized that the Creator will know Itself (or experience -Itself). (B2, 7) The primal distortion is free will. (B2, 8) -QUESTION: The Creator then grants total freedom of choice in the ways of knowing. Is this correct? (B2, 7) -RA: This is quite correct. (B2, 7) -QUESTION: Then all other distortions spring from this first distortion, is this correct? -RA: It is both correct and incorrect. -In your illusion of physical existence all experience springs from the Law of Free will or the Way of Confusion. -In another sense, which we are learning, the experiences are this distortion. (B2, 7) -II. THE 2ND DISTORTION = LOVE -A. THE FOCUSING OF FREE WILL YIELDS LOVE -RA: The 1st distortion, free will, finds a focus which is known to you as logos, the Creative Principle or love. -This focus may be called the 2nd distortion. (B1, 148) -RA: The second distortion is the distortion of love. (B2, 7-8) - B. LOVE SEEKS TO KNOW ITSELF -RA: The distortion love is the great activator and primal co-Creator of various creations using intelligent -infinity. (B2, 8)... Love uses Its intelligent energy to create a certain pattern of illusions or densities in -order to satisfy Its own intelligent estimate of a method of knowing itself. (B2, 9) -III. THE 3RD DISTORTION = LIGHT -(NOTE: Light, or light energy, is transformative: it may, or may not, be connected to love) -RA: This intelligent energy thus creates a distortion known as Light. From these 3 distortions come many, many -hierarchies of distortions each having its own paradoxes to be synthesized, no one being any more important than -another. (B1, 148) -RA: The origin of all energy is the action of free will upon love. The nature of all energy is light, including -the inner light which is the guiding star of the self. This is the true nature of all entities. (B3, 30) -RA: THE INNER LIGHT IS YOUR HEART OF BEING. ITS STRENGTH EQUALS YOUR STRENGTH OF WILL TO SEEK THE LIGHT. (B3, 46) -RA: A certain amount of awareness of the inner light is necessary to attract the in-streaming light upward -spiraling from the south magnetic pole of being (the toot chakra), (B3, 46) THe Law of One -You are every thing, every being, every emotion, every situation. -You are unity. You are infinity. -You are love/light, light/love. -You are. -This is the Law of One The Law of Relativity - Everything is relative. The Law of Metabelief - Whatever you believe becomes your reality - Reality is what you can get away with - Self-limiting beliefs = Stanley = Devil = brakes The Law of Reversability - Feeling creates action, action creates feeling. They are mutually dependent. Examples: 1. Neuromuscular relaxation is reciprocal to anxiety, 2. assertiveness is reciprocal to shyness 3. and positive thoughts are contradictory to negative thoughts. - These reciprocal reactions will weaken their less desireable counterparts only if they can be evoked under conditions that would normally elicit the older reactions. More: Korzybski often complained of students who verbally approved his work but did not apply it. Wolpe's theory of reciprocal inhibition illuminates the problem. Students may do well in a course but show few lasting signs outside of class that they have mastered the material; likewise, one may read and approve of a book while continuing to behave otherwise. A course or a book contains alternative sets of reactions. If these reactions are not practiced in contexts where they can compete with already established reactions they will not displace them. The real life application of what has been learned verbally will be lacking. Even MORE: Fortunately, Wolpe has found that it is not always necessary for the individual to confront real situations in order to change his behavior in these situations. Individuals who have vivid imaginations and who respond to images of a situation in the same way they respond to the situation itself can be re-educated at home or in the office. It is still important, though, that the individual not imagine situations that are too intense; to do so would risk eliciting and reinforcing the old reactions instead of practicing the new. Instead, a hierarchy of imaginary situations must be developed so that the individual can effectively evoke the beneficial reactions at each level. The Law of Knowledge - Knowledge is power. The Law of Self-Knowledge - Know thyself. The Law of Cause and Effect - Identical causes produce identical effects. The Law of Synchronicity - Tashi, signs, coincidences - Coincidence is seldom mere. The Law of Association - Commonality controls. The Law of Similarity - Look-alikes are alike. The Law of Contagion - Magic is contagious. - "Things in physical or psychic contact with each other will continue to interact after being separated" The Law of Positive Attraction - Like attracts like. The Law of Negative Attraction - Like attracts un-like. The Law of Names - Rumpelstilsken. If you know something's name, you can control it. - If you control it, you will "lose it" - but you need to remember names, still. The Law of Words of Power - A word to the wise is sufficient. - Certain words are intrinsically moving. The Law of Personification - Anything can be a person. - Any description can be applied to a person. All descriptions are of human characteristics. - Anything can be described in any way appropriate to its nature. The Law of Invocation - Beings within... The Law of Evocation - ... beings without. The Law of Identification - You can become another. The Law of Infinite Data - There's always something new. The Law of Finite Senses - Just because it's invisible doesn't mean it ain't there. The Law of Personal Universes - You live in your cosmos, and I'll live in mine. - Never consider another personal universe. - Never identify with another personal universe's actions or inactions. - Never allow your personal universe to "come from" or "start impetus from" another personal universe. - Never let another personal universe affect your personal universe. - Your currents are your currents, and no other personal universe should ever interfere, or induce current in your own, because it is of your own volition. - "law of non-identity, also called the law of individuality, which states that no two persons, or situations, or stages of processes are the same in all details" The Law of Infinite Universes - All things are possible, though some are more probable than others. - If you can imagine a possibility, that means that it is possible. The Law of Pragmatism - If it works, it's true. The Law of True Falsehoods - If it's a paradox, it's probably true. The Law of Synthesis - Synthesis reconciles. - The synthesis of two or more opposing data patterns will lead to a new, truer pattern. Said pattern is not necessarily a compromise, but will be applicable to more levels of reality. The Law of Perversity - If something can go wrong, it will. - Murphy's Law The Law of Polarity - Everything contains its opposite. The Law of Dynamic Balance - Dance to the music. The Law of Unity - All is one. The Law of Luck -- 1. Assume fate is on your side. -- 2. Get a grip on your emotions. -- 3. Keep your mind open to opportunity. -- 4. Think of the world as yours. -- 5. Keep envy in check. -- 6. Think like a "connector". -- 7. Find the up side to everything. The Law of Cursing - Curses feed off residing fear, already present demons that clutter. - While this does not free you from your own karma, it does clear the air in an absolute sense. - Curses are born from residing fear as well, personalities that clutter your essence. -- 1. Criticizing (instead of admiring) -- 2. Doubting (instead of affirming) -- 3. Blaming (instead of appreciating) -- 4. Worrying (instead of anticipating with trust) The Law of Blessing -- 1. Admiration - This is the giving of compliments or praise to something good that you notice. E.g., "What a nice sunset; I like that dress; you're so much fun." -- 2. Affirmation - This is a specific statement of blessing for increase or endurance. E.g., "I bless the beauty of this tree; blessed be the health of your body." -- 3. Appreciation - This is an expression of gratitude that something good exists or has happened. E.g., "Thank you, God, for helping me; I give thanks to the rain for nourishing the land." -- 4. Anticipation - This is blessing for the future. E.g., "We're going to have a great picnic; I bless your increased income; Thank you for my perfect mate; I wish you a happy journey; May the wind be always at your back." The Law of Astuteness - Compile errors yield no program. - Anything is possible when all elements harmonize. - This explains why some people are like buggy programs and have no siddhis. - Astuteness is like keen eagle's eyes, sagacious manners shining on all matters. The Law of the Five Counterbalanced Principles 1. Cause and Effect create Relationships 2. Mind and Matter create Patterns 3. No thing and thing create Distinctions 4. Piece and whole create System 5. Context and content create Perspectives - Every cause is an effect, every effect is a cause - Every mind is a matter, every matter is a mind - Every thing is a no thing and no thing is a every thing - Every piece is a whole and every whole is a piece - Every context is a content and every content is a context The Law of Now - Everything is in the present. - The line of eternity passes each point of the line of time. The Law of Impenetration - Invisibility yields invincibility. In all cases, pain is only temporary. The Law of Learning - Differentiation of change. 1. Purely stimulus-response learning. You need a stimulus, and then you decide which one of the available to use to respond. *Learning the correct response is first level learning. 2. The second level of learning is learning out of which set of responses you choose your response. *This is fundamentally more creative than the first kind of learning. It aims at producing a new alternative, rather than just choosing one of the possibilities offered. 3. The third level of learning is learning from which set of sets of responses you choose your response. etc. The Law of Giving - The more you give of yourself without expected anything in return, the more you get back The Law of Evolution (i.e. Incremental Improvements) - imperceptible yet integration over time yields mastery The Law of Expectations - Your expectations of yourself, your highers' expectations of you, your peers' expectations of you, and your lowers' expectations of you. The Law of Attraction - Your dominant thoughts attract energy like a magnet The Law of Possibility and Probability - If you would imagine it, it is possible - Try enough tries, learn from each try, continue to persist over and over - Intelligent risks to progress, manage time quickly, perservere through obstacles The Law of Helplessness - You must acknowledge your helplessness and your nothingness. - You must never identify with anyone. - If we differentiate we cannot identify. The Law of Octaves - Everything is in motion, and everything is moving according to the octave scale: 8 notes, with each note being an entire other octave (finitely though), each octave being a note on a higher scale, two retardations at do-re-mi-X-fa-sol-la-si-X-do, making ten markers. The Law of Three The Law of Ten - * * * * * * * * * * (1+2+3+4=10) The Law of the Enneagram - do 9 ------- si8 / /\ \ 1 re / \ / / \ \ la 7| / \ | 2 mi / \ | / \ | 6 \/____________\/ 3 POSITIVITY REMEMBRANCE \ / 5 ------- 4 sol fa The Law of the Eight Circuit Consciousness Model - Biosurvival 1 EmotionalTerritorial 3 Semantic 6 Sociosexual 12 Neurosomatic 24 Neuroelectric 48 Neurogenetic 96 Neuroatomic 192 (int?) The Law of the Cosmos - Absolute 1 All Worlds 3 All Suns 6 Sun 12 All Planets 24 Earth 48 Moon 96 The Law of the Chakras - SahasRara / \ Ajna \ / Vishudda | Anahata /-O-\ Manipura | O | Svadisthana o Muladhara / \ The Law of Hermetics -7 principles: Principle of Mentalism - the universe is mental held in the mind of the All Principle of Correspondence - as above, so below Principle of Vibration - everything is in motion, nothing rests Principle of Polarity - poles exist in everything Principle of Rhythm - everything ebbs and flows Principle of Cause and Effect - identical causes produce identical effects Principle of Gender - Gender manifests at all levels of reality The Law of Increasing Returns - While your skills may not be appreciated now, the longer they are honed and held onto, the more precious they will become. - Like David in A.I. The Law of Gnosis - Continuous knowledge is a state of the objective consciousness. The Law of Marking - To remember something, you must think of it, and then relate it to something else. Any simple link creates a memory, but the longer and more exposed, the more and more connections are apt to be solidified. The Law of Semantic Delay - Semantics measures a higher lag time for consciously examined data. The Law of the Five Skandas - Form, Feeling, Perception, Intellect, Consciousness The Law of Desire - Desire is a trap; Desirelessness is MOXA or MOKSHA (Liberation); Desire is the creator; Desire is the destroyer; Desire is the universe. The Law of the Four Noble Truths - 1. Life has a tendency to be tainted by suffering. 2. This tendency is caused from grasping, attachment, or desire. 3. The cure is to cease grasping. 4. To cease grasping, work on yourself. The Law of Disappearance - What you call it doesn't matter, Buddha is very very clear about it: your deepest core consists of nothingness, there is no ego. The Law of Otherwise - Gurdjieff teaches about the "Law of Otherwise"-- things always turn out otherwise than expected.