(with many people's help, thanks!) -- holding tongue at roof of mouth, remember the sides of tongue too, touching the teeth is the way to go -- mahabandha -- tensing (lightly or moreso depending is the key) the anus, belly button or navel, and the neck -- holding your free hand over your navel and/or your back -- hiding under covers (perhaps give yourself a little crack to breathe through or refresh every so often) -- return to the three tensions and the tongue over and over again -- when smoking, keep tongue at roof of mouth, and they cannot go around smoke as easily -- inertia will help you in the future, keep it going in the mornings when you wake up too -- at night in bed or when sleeping you may want to do it until you fall asleep -- if you have a larger belly, etc., you may need to apply more pressure -- feet can stamp the tension if you tense those last -- also you may want to tense your head and/or chest if they are holding you there -- so ultimately tensing your whole body lightly is the best -- also, you can meditate on pushing them out and keeping them at bay -- you may also toggle a switch inside through your mind that disables them a little or all the way -- your aura can be protected as well, and you may "push them out" in a meditative way -- if they touch you, you can shun them off -- ear buds and protective dream masks are also very helpful for sleep -- a tummy tuck belt or a weight belt can cover the navel, for weight loss as well -- sunglasses or eyewear can help against possession too -- your crack head friends won't know how to possess you anymore! :) -- by the way, crack heads can possess crack heads also, but they often forget this