![]() Fuantum Thought |
Christianity, (The Holy Bible (sic)), later on esoteric Christianity with ties to the Fourth Way) Drugs, running the gamut but not hard drugs like heroin, cocaine, or methamphetamines, entheogen God seeking psychoactives were my favorite Zen Buddhism (The Dhammapada: A New Translation of the Buddhist Classic with Annotations Occultism, Witchcraft, especially Chaos Magic (Prime Chaos: Adventures in Chaos Magic Meditation, as taught by Sri Chinmoy, Osho (The Book of Secrets: 112 Meditations to Discover the Mystery Within Neem Karoli Baba and Ram Dass's Be Here Now Georges Ivanovitch Gurdjieff's and P.D. Ouspensky's and A.R. Orage's Fourth Way (The Herald of Coming Good Dianetics: The Modern Science Of Mental Health (English) Hermeticism (The Kybalion Discordianism, Malaclypse the Younger's version (Principia Discordia The Celestine Prophecy (sic) Plato and Socrates (`nuf said (Great Dialogues of Plato |
The website is split into files that are all bursts of thought. A myriad range of thought that cannot be pinned down into any single category. Maybe you could call me crazy, or a psychopath, but each thought that made you think that only showed yourself where you're holding. See, it takes one to know one, and I've been around the block a couple hundred times, so I can recognizer a weiner when I see one. The SubGenii call you slackless normal pinks, but I remember that every living creature has the buddha nature. This means, we are all God in drag, as Ram Dass likes to say. The buddha nature of most beings, however, is asleep. Gurdjieff says, "Leave the sleepers be - but I say why not shake them up?" This site is a memoir and a legacy to anyone who knew me. Please don't quit searching for the truth, because it's out there, and it's FREE FOR THE TAKING. |
tpose2 | tpose3 | tpose4 | tpose5 | tpose6 | tpose7 |
tpose8 | tpose9 | tpose10 | tpose12 | jedi | jeditwice |
ideas | Bright Booth | raw | rawx | Pieces |
This site was created by Fuantum. The thought and other adventures above have all been created since 2001. So it's a growth process, and the later tposes have more depth and understanding than the beginning ones. If you could call that depth and understanding, anyway, ;). I am "fuantum" on Google Hangouts, @fuantum on Twitter, and Chas Ellis on Facebook Messenger. My email address is fuantum@hotmail.com or fuantum@gmail.com. Drop me a line if you are interested in any of these matters. Also, I received my computer engineering degree at Auburn University in 2010. Still haven't found a computer job in the area though. I think I'm still having too much slack. LOL |
(Ed:For the Commonwealth, past, present, and future, Amen...) Copyright 2006,2013,2017. All rights reserved. |