NOTE: DO NOT TAKE EVERYTHING ON THIS SITE TOO SERIOUSLY. TRY TO HAVE SOME FUN AND HUMOR. IT IS FODDER FOR MY AUTHORING SEVERAL BOOKS AS SOURCE MATERIAL. IF YOU ARE OFFENDED, I APOLOGIZE IN ADVANCE AND DO NOT READ IT. IF YOU ALREADY DID, MAYBE YOU MISUNDERSTOOD. Write me an email if so at or and I will try to explain the fictional, really illogical things, that exist in the imagination some times, and some times, in real life. If you make a compelling argument, I will remove the offending material Thank you.
You may try out this site's sister sites at and if you wish.
Absolute (Center)
God (Trinity)
All (Galaxy)
Mental Planes
Astral Planes
Physical Planes
Previous Octaves
Absolute (1)
All Worlds (3)
All Stars (6)
Sun (12)
All Planets (24)
Earth (48)
Moon (96)
Nothing (192)
Table of Hydrogens
-- Numbers can be used for harm or for good. Remember how to use them for good and they will be useful; remember how to use them for harm and they will be harmful. Why not be gentle and profitable?
Know thyself. This is the important thing to remember: remember thyself.
Know thyself, and remember thyself. Observe thyself. Know, remember, and observe thyself.
Finally, try not to express negative emotions and identify with every little thing that happens or exists around you.
The thing is the more you know yourself the less you can be fooled into traps. The less you are susceptible to being possessed by other entities, maybe even entities from other planes of material density than the ones you are accustomed to living.
Why Follow the Ten Commandments? By C. Ellis II (Fuantum)
The ten commandments as I have them, from my mind to keyboard, are as follows.
1) Do not hold any false gods before God Almighty.
2) Do not make any graven images of God.
3) Do not murder.
4) Do not steal.
5) Do not bear false witness.
6) Do not covet thy neighbor's wife, husband, or possessions.
7) Do not commit adultery.
8) Do not take the Lord thy God's name in vain.
9) Honor thy Father and Mother.
10) Keep the Sabbath Holy.
1) Here are some personal reasons to keep the commandments. Intelligent respect is due to God because God created existence. The commandments are not, in my humble opinion, based solely on a belief, non-belief, or disbelief of God.
That is why we do not hold any false gods especially if we do not revere the real God. I am a believer in the Prime Mover myth or hypothesis. Something had to start the whole big bang, even if there have been an infinite number of big bangs and big crunches and seamlessly repeating in eternity.
2) Clinging to rocks is what one is doing when they make graven images of God. Alan Watts put it beautifully when he said something like, "Here is a framed window to the outside. There is a picture of a blue sky painted on the window. When you clean off the window, you can see the real blue sky."
3) Do not strike with intent to kill. Do not strike with the intention of death of another party. It is said several times in the Bible in Exodus that the intent or strength of motivation towards harming others is the crucial factor in measuring such an intensity of a blow. It was eye for an eye back then in the courts and justice systems, and this ensured that both eyes were kept in the longer run for more people.
4) Stealing is obviously wrong; it can make you feel good for a time but it makes you a slave. It makes you weak emotionally or something along these lines.
5) The reason for not bearing false witness is clear when there is an illegal, criminal, or even outright evil plot afoot. The more selfish reason for keeping to the truth is that when you lie you clutter your Mind with messes. Also, you move more slowly. You are less spontaneous and free. Keep this in mind next time you go to break one of the ten commandments, and you later have to account to yourself. Sincerity is so very important, especially with yourself, your teachers, or your accountants.
6) Coveting is like desiring very strongly. When you covet something, you are sort of placing it before God as a false god. You are sort of wanting to steal to obtain it. Also, to whom will you bear false witness, to get what you covet. Who will you murder to obtain that possession? They are called possessions for a reason!
7) When you are married, there is a bond to which I will not be privy because I am going solo. :) For real. Yes, celibacy.
8) The reason for not taking the Lord thy God's name in vain is to remind thyself again of respecting God the Word, and the Word-God that was in the Beginning. It is perhaps like pausing before speaking. Refraining from cursing and cussing is beneficial in so many respects to your daily life. Less stress, less cancer, less disease, and even less strife and misery can result from keeping clean, which I think is a secret message hidden in this commandment.
9) Honor thy father and mother because without them you would not be here. The question when it comes to honor in my humble opinion is what length of time are we honoring them for, the short term or the long term, and are we honoring them in the moment or the memory. Two more things pop into my head as I type this. Gurdjieff said something like, "Honor thy parents because if you cannot honor your parents how can you honor God, the unique Parent?" Also, honor your parents even if they did not follow the ten commandments. I think they would be proud of you.
10) Keep the Sabbath special and Holy, because otherwise, all your days become one day. :) :)
Finally, this comes to the point of why to follow the ten commandments. Your conscience will be clear to do anything you want. Freedom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will tell you a little secret since you read this far. Consciousness is not as important as conscience, because conscience can lead to freedom of consciousness.
I hope you haven't forgotten about these three goodies, and I also hope you do not look down on them.
First of all, they are readily available in any store. They are cheap compared with other more illicit substances.
The body has been inured to them. It has taken them all its life. They are safe and you are used to what they do to you.
Also, there are clear warning signs as to when you have taken too much of them. Sugar can give you a tummy ache, caffeine can give you a head ache or the jitters, and nicotine has its limits when you cannot take anymore because of a sore throat or mouth.
As to the nature of the ups and downs of these, they are much milder ups and downs than other substances known to mankind. They can be controlled just as well if not much better than more illicit substances.
The terror of the situation is that we do not know the truth at all moments of time. Okay?
There are inside and outside demons that haunt some people. These are real people who operate outside the established boundaries of society and civilization on the astral plane, which is finer material than the physical plane's material.
Inside demons are inside of your home or dwelling and outside demons operate sometimes with and sometimes without the inside demons. Note: Mostly these are only projections to your mind - from other people's minds - actively - in the moment - each time it happens.
Next, there are Satans and Satanas. They are never independent of other people - no devil, no Satan, no Satanas, only other people.
What happens over time is Satans and Satanas get bored. They find out all they can about you. They will then try to use it against you in any way they can. Eventually, their goal is to turn everyone into their slaves. Their dream is turn everyone they know into "golems" - I believe it!
This is the real terror of the situation. How does one know if the astral is with them? How do we speak to them especially in public? What if I have something to say at the same time the astral has something to say? (especially when there are odds to be overcome in your daily life and work). There is an allegory of an equipage going through a street. It is a carriage or buggy with a horse pulling it through the town. There is a driver on top of it, and a passenger or master in the riding seat. Who, now, is the passenger?
There are correspondences that Gurdjieff would be quick to mention. The carriage is like the physical body. The astral is like the horse pulling the buggy through the street driven by the mental or the driver. The causal body is the passenger, or could he be the master?
To my knowledge, the only way to know if you have higher bodies is by their extra, added functions - (In Search Of The Miraculous Chapter III: "How is one to know if a man has an 'astral body'?" I asked. "There are definite ways of knowing that," answered G. "Under certain conditions the 'astral body' can be seen; it can be separated from the physical body and even photographed at the side of the physical body. The existence of the 'astral body' can be still more easily and simply established by its functions. The 'astral body' has definite functions which the physical body cannot have. The presence of these functions indicates the presence of the 'astral body.' The absence of these functions shows the absence of the 'astral body.' But it is too early to speak of this now. All our attention must be concentrated on the study of the physical body. It is necessary to understand the structure of the human machine. Our principal error is that we think we have one mind. We call the functions of this mind 'conscious'; everything that does not enter this mind we call 'unconscious' or 'subconscious.' This is our chief error. Of the conscious and the unconscious we will speak later. At this moment I want to explain to you that the activity of the human machine, that is, of the physical body, is controlled, not by one, but by several minds, entirely independent of each other, having separate functions and separate spheres in which they manifest themselves. This must be understood first of all, because unless this is understood nothing else can be understood." After this G. went on to explain man's various functions and centers controlling these functions in the way they are set out in the psychological lectures. These explanations, and all the talks connected with them, took a fairly long time, while at almost every talk we returned to the fundamental ideas of man's mechanicalness, of the absence of unity in man, of man's -having no choice, of his being unable to do, and so on. There is no possibility of giving all these talks in the way they actually took place. For
this reason I collected all the psychological and all the cosmological material in two separate series of lectures. )
Now, the terror of the situation reflux part three and finale, is that this is what we are really going through every day on different planes through sleep and waking, stillness and motion, and awareness and unconsciousness.
-----Other people exist, and they are going through it too.-----
Here is mine. I can find myself easily by magnetic attraction.
I think of myself, and suddenly I am drawn toward myself.
I think of myself, and I want to be within myself.
I want to think of myself in order to be with myself.
That is all, for now.
Also, people can keep you away from your person through magical means and what-not. In these cases, it helps for both you and yourself to work together. For instance, if your physical-carnal notices something not quite consistent with the astral-natural's normal behavior, that usually can be taken as a sign that they may be under a spell or away from yourself.
I find that sleep helps, but you can "pull yourself together" easier if you work from both sides. Also, I find that a wish or a prayer can be helpful as well.
When you are forced away from your person, it is not unheard of that you fall under the sway of another personality or personalities. The best thing to do is not to mingle with the person you are being forced into, and I have found that when this happens, you can get outside of them and even though you can't make it immediately back, you are safe from any kind of contamination or further magical influence that would be against your will. If they do force you inside someone else, (as we have the policy of never ever possessing anyone), there is also the ability not to fully mix. This could be helpful for some, so I mention it.
Also, I have seen the wills of women strong enough to do their own thing without men. I feel this also should be mentioned. Knowledge of yourself, your will, and your behavior is invaluable.
BIG NEWS FLASH ::: ASTRALS connect to PHYSICALS through ASTRAL CORD - but enter in the front, it is more comfortable.
And so on: MENTALS use MENTAL CORDS; their ASTRAL BACKS - and CAUSAL too.
Good luck out there - this one is absolute - it works every time - you can see the cord - you can send messages, thoughts, information, feelings, images, etc. through the cord - it always leads to the outer body of which you are connected.
It is mentioned as the "silver cord" by King Solomon in Ecclesiastes in the Holy Bible.
- No intentional energy manipulating without agreement beforehand especially theft even sexual energies. This does not include emotions resulting from conversation or communication.
- No installation, "putting something in", uninstallation, or "taking something out". This does not include words or ideas that are shared with awareness.
- No possession, but this is not as hard and fast as the other two. With permission for each time, there could be exceptions as long as the other two principles are followed.
- When asked to leave, leave. When asked not to watch, don't watch. Do not watch or communicate to us in the bathroom or under the sheets. Only wake us up when it's important.
- Try to stay outside of our bedroom, especially when we ask you to do so.
- Generally, we like people to stay out of our home without permission or invitation. We try to offer hospitality, but this has been abused so many times we ask if you need us,
get bored, or want entertainment to remain outside. If it is hot or rainy, maybe you should come when it is more comfortable. We are sorry when we lie down and still have company,
but sometimes we need a short interlude of rest to continue with full speed ahead.
- If you stay around us 24/7, or every waking moment, or think about us all the time, you need to stop and reassess your situation. You are not us, and we and you both need time on our own.
We do not need to spend all our waking time with each other, or there is most likely a problem.
- Controlling us against our will or trying to change our destiny is also discouraged.
- We are not seeking a mate, and we are celibate: no sexual relations, with women or men, psychic or in person, which means also no marriage and no children.
- Using our brain or our eye sight or any other part of our body or being is energy manipulation or partial possession in our opinion and we frown upon it.
We are seeking friends who will abide by these terms.
2 or 3; 3 or 2;
3 or 2 or 1;
2 and 2 or 3 and 3 and 3;
Can you take it further?
In, out, and middle...
Twelve in between!
Something stands out,
Tensed in the scene...
Hydrogens are protons;
Light is photons;
Particles can be waves;
Now we are no longer in caves.
Gurdjieff became a saint,
Who knows what you can be?
Behind the neck and back
Is somewhere to see.
When you play Tic Tac Toe, most people think that if they are playing someone
that knows how to play, the result is usually CAT or a stalemate.
There are some Tic Tac Toe's that are harder to play.
Here are a few from the previous website.
Descending Octave
Evolving Colors
#2 | Orange | Yellow
Violet | Red | #1
Indigo | Blue | Green
Involving Colors
Green | Yellow | #1
Blue | Violet | Orange
Indigo | #2 | Red
Ray of Creation
Sun | Solar System | #1
All Stars | Absolute | Earth
All Worlds | #2 | Moon
Atoms of Materiality
#2 | liquid | gas
sex | solid | #1
emotion | thought | magnetism
Matter Hydrogens
#2 | H384 | H192
H12 | H768 | #1
H24 | H48 | H96
Days of the Week
#2 | Monday | Tuesday
Saturday | Sunday | #1
Friday | Thursday | Wednesday
#2 | 1/7 | 2/7
6/7 | 7/7 | #1
5/7 | 4/7 | 3/7
A Riddle
#2 | Care | Cake
Cafe | Cave | #1
Cane | Cape | Cage
Usually, tic tac toe is played in a 3 by 3 grid. Four lines make up the usual playing field. Placing an X or an O in one of the cells starts the game. The opponent of the starting player places the opposite character in another cell. The game ends when there are three in a row. If the cells get full before this happens, there is a statemate.
So GOLEMS EXIST! Yes, they are all around you sometimes, feeding on you, wanting your death, seeking to destroy your future. Mainly because of their own inadequacies and jealousies they feel this way.
If you make them you will be sorry. Because they are trapped spirit of your soul. They are in chains and they hate their lives. They will pretend to help you, even like you, but they really do not. It is a part of their nature that they are very spiteful and vindictive.
They can even pretend to be you, your "astral", or your "mental" - making you think you are doing all right developmentally, but really just the opposite. They will put them in a coma or even destroy them if they can.
So WHAT CAN YOU DO? Well, the best part about golem is they are lower than human. They are not supposed to roam the earth making millions of copies of themselves in "sperm pumps" in people's abdomens. They are meant to serve us.
You can do as Wikipedia suggests and remove their "shem" (it has their name on it.) Or you can remove the name on their foreheads. How? Magic. A form of telekinesis. Yes, you will have to grow some Will, and do it quickly, but take your time; they are not going anywhere. They will in most circumstances hound you until the day you are dead or fully under their control.
The final thing to say, is that they are buried in the earth somewhere in a box. They have chicken bones. They can be destroyed also by obliterating their "crux" or their main sperm/egg that creates their possibility to live.
There will be more soon on this, but for now, I think this suffices. Destroy them for their own sake, because they deserve as all spirit does, to be with its soul.
GOLEMS can become different. They can be fed by their makers. They can be taught manners, polite behavior, and proper functioning within our society and civilization. They still at this time have hope, however little it may seem at the moment. Making golems can be a serious crime in some communities - and it is not to be recommended for the faint of heart - to anyone, really. Some people could do a world of good with them, but most would not spend the time necessary to educate the species of human, known as Homo Goliems. Hehe. Otherwise, there could be harsh consequences for the lack of care involved with the continuance of their race. That is all, for now.
ADDENDUM: As it turns out, I was fooled into thinking golems were widespread. Everyone, the people I knew in life played a great trick on me. I was pranked in the maximum to believe golems were real. They may be in some cases, but mostly, they were pretending to be golems to come through to do things to me, and I would not like to go into this further. If golems were real or did become real, their rampage would be caught by law enforcement. I am sorry to keep this up for so long without review - I thought I had put non-sense and candid humor here, but I was recently alerted to the stupidity of this entry. I hope you accept my sincerest apologies: GOLEMS ARE NOT REAL (as far as I am aware) You may reverse most of what is on this page, literally, to see the humor of it. If possible, this whole page will be removed eventually.
Every human body has a Body, Mind, Spirit, and Soul. The Soul is the largest accumulation of Spirit. Spirit can be trapped by others, and you should always be on guard against it. It has something to do with Mind and its memories.
Don't be fooled into thinking, like I was, your soul can be trapped in a bottle. Parts may be trapped though.
When spirit works from both ends to reunite, it can destroy a cage or bottle or even unscrew or pop that top.
You have to get worked up to do it, but it is worth the effort.
So if you have an astral body, you also have an astral Mind, Spirit, and Soul as well...and so on, for the other bodies.
The mind, body and soul can be tricked. They can be made to think they are not who they are.
This works through evil permissions. They can be taken back if you can remember when you gave such permission.
These permissions can be given to anything, but especially evil spirits seek these possibilities.
They can make you even believe one of your best friends is your worst enemy - through permissions gotten in dreams, even.
They are trying to make their way, they are older than you most likely, and there is no doubt that most people would be better off without these permissions, given to evil.
It is possible to "revoke" such permissions. It amounts to revisting the memory in your mind - and changing it from harm to harmless. It involves denying such future use and abuse because you nodded or consented to such a thing.
Some people believe we are all born with a pair or trio of evil spirits - some believe it should be this way.
Emmanuel Swedenborg had the idea that God permits evil to a certain point, for avoidance of stagnation as a race.
Anything and everything can be subverted - they make you think the sky is the ground and the ground is the sky - and then make you forget giving the permission. But they are not gold. They are not made out of stone. They can be remembered despire other permissions making you forget.
You can win against evil - but be patient. Do not try to revoke all permissions at once, for instance - this usually will not work. Because they are "buffers" inside of you, feeding off of you, in a way, they must be recalled, and then dealt with however you so choose. Remember not to hold too much enmity for these spirits, because they can be resurgent.
Dealing with them in love is generally much more valuable in the long term than growing in hatred and resentment.
If your soul was trapped in a bottle, you may not even know it. The thing is: resentment and hatred towards your captors does not do much good. It is much more important to move on and deal with the negative emotions healthily - instead of trying to plot revenge on a spirit or captor.
More to come on this, later. This will be added to, soon.
ADDENDUM: The astral bodies, and other, perhaps potential, bodies - they are not selves, according to my knowledge and experience. They do not have voices of their own, and there is the possibility; the very real possibility; that each of us can have a permanent, single, real I - instead of the many I's of our desires, thoughts, and feelings. We may all work on ourselves, to help others in their work on themselves - in the sense of unifying and bringing together a harmony of working with these ideas for the betterment of humanity. God bless.
In Research of the Miraculous Part II
by Fuantum (
9:00 PM, CST
THE UNIVERSE AND MAN - To Study Both is to Know Yourself
Atoms of Materiality When Outside or Separated When Inside or Together
---------------------- ------------------------- -----------------------------
(forwards-backwards) ## Theosophical names Christian titles
one-eno 1 I? id?
three-eerht 3
six-xis 6 causal divine
twelve-evlewt 12 mental spiritual
twenty four-ruof ytnewt 24 astral natural
forty eight-thgie ytrof 48 physical carnal
ninety six-xis ytenin 96
Four elements/forces/aspects sometimes Five.
classical: 1. fire 2. water 3. air 4. earth 5. _spirit_/
alchemical: 1. carbon 2. oxygen 3. nitrogen 4. hydrogen _ether_/_love_
hindu: 1. rajas 2. tamas 3. sattvas 4. _tattwas_ (this system)
activity inertia clarity
practical: 1. active 2. passive 3. neutralizing
scientific: 1. positive 2. negative 3. neutral
(|-atomic): proton electron neutron 4. _atom_/element/chemical
mathematical: 1. greater 2. lesser 3. equal 4. incompatible
divide by zero?
syntax error!
_comparison_ result
formulaic: 1. action 2. resistance 3. medium/struggle 4. _result_/winner
theoretical 1. possibility 2. question 3. test 4. answer
hypothetical 1. observation 2. hypothesis 3. experiment 4. _proof_ of hypothesis truth value
philisophical 1. thesis 2. antithesis 3. synthesis 4. _dialectic_/Socratic method
48 key terms to remember....!!!!!!!!!!!!! /--\
Work on Oneself as a Way to Work with Others Especially if They Work on Theirself
------------------- ------------------- -------------------
Philosophical Terms Practical Terms Theoretical Terms
------------------- ------------------- -------------------
body Man No. 1, 'fakir' physical, sensing/moving
soul Man No. 2, 'monk' emotional, feeling
mind Man No. 3, 'yogi' intellectual, thinking
self Man No. 4, 'balancing' sexual
spirit Man No. 5, 'unity' single, permanent, real 'I'
personality Man No. 6, 'conscience' higher emotional/feeling
essence Man No. 7, 'consciousness' higher intellectual/thinking
One note to deciphering these "cryptic" tables: some things do fit into slots, matrices,
grids, tables, and there is little denying the value of the multiplication table;
look into these tables or rearrange them, make them your own, do what you want! Have fun!
One more fun one to put on top of the Work on Oneself table:
>body : soul : mind : self :
>main actor : supporting role : director : cameramen :
spirit : personality : essence : witness!
showbiz : producer : writer : audience!
----------------------Copyright 2015; Some rights reserved.------------------------------
Random blurb from a text file:
"if he says enough, that means it is enough - it is obvious the trick has been exposed - in the permission, that is - and the machinery in us has revoked one, it has revoked all like permissions as well
"take our food" times a million can be revoked with a single "no more food taken"
"steal your energy' times a thousand thousand thousand times, asked every morning, noon and night for a 1000 years - can be taken away, withdrawn, with a single "energy theft no longer"
"possess my home" asked every day for three years, times ten, people asking, with one single revoke of "you may not possess my home any more" should negate all other permissions practically automatically
even "revoke all evil permissions" should work
even "take back all permissions ever given" should work
'revoke all this or all that' - revoking each one - is really, or should not be necessary - and if they say it is, then they are hippocrits
they do not follow the golden rule, and they are hippocrits
This means they have no honor, little trust, and very much lacking in love.
This means they have no magic, really, on others, only on their stooges.
This means they amount to very little in life, in power, in real life power.
Also, finally, all of this, means they are con artists. Average criminals. "
If you disagree with this rough insight, then email me your complaints at or Thank you. By the way, if I get three or more emails from people, I will take this down and recant it. I will write an apology and an apology.
Otherwise, I will take that as a general agreement. One revoke can count for more than one permission, is the argument...
no need to take permissions away one by one. Just revoke all of them, huh? Only problem seen is that some of it could be structural - in other words, misconceptions. So weigh what is right, good and true - versus what is wrong, bad, or false. And choose the best you can in each moment! If someone tramples your free will, they will get theirs. It will come back around in the strangest of ways - especially if you had no recourse. Karma is funny. It comes back around whether you like it or not. And er, stop projecting your old death marks as cracks. That's gotten pretty old. CCRACK MMARK etc. Thank you.
One more tip to the uninitiated: don't let two hands from a "shadow" - on their genitals - with "POSSOS" get you - or "SOSSOP" - thank you, thank you. I uncovered it. It was painful. I hope this helps, good mostly, not too much evil, I hope. Thank you.
Have more fun people. Try to love each other and stuff. This does not give them automatic permission to walk all over you. Finally, just because you know a Christian, doesn't mean he or she will automatically forgive you. You could kill them, and they'd just roll over dead. (SARCASM!) Thank you. Trespassers are not always forgiven their trespasses without due course, nor are we always forgiven our trespasses without due course.
Also, this is all for my new short story , novel letter, called "Watch Out For Evil With Salt" - make sure you know you should watch out for it on store shelves very soon.
NOTE: All hydrogen numbers listed are third scale reduced.
"Table of Hydrogens, Simple Version"
H3072 - SOIL
"Centers Use of Hydrogen"
Higher Thinking Center - H6
Higher Emotional Center - H12
Thinking Center - H48
Emotional Center - H24/H12
Instinctual Center, Movement Center - H24
"Digestion of Hydrogens in Organism"
H768 -> H192 = H384
H384 -> H96 = H192
H192 -> H48 = H96
H96 -> H24 = H48
H48 -> H12 = H24
H24 -> H6 = H12
H12 -> H3? = H6
H6 -> H1? = H3?
H3 - Essence?
H1 - I?
Evil people, dumb as they are, put cords around people - their "silver", astral cords - they wrap them through rectum and mouth and around chakras. They think this gives them power over that person - be warned of this danger, on their end, as well: it makes them absolute slaves to the people whom they try to enslave in this manner. NOTE: This has been disproven, I leave it up for taking responsibility for wastes of people's times.
NOTE: This barely happens!
Further, you merely have to tap this possibility: we, good, light people, others, have to control evil away from us! So if you threaten them with a little nose picking - impulse control those cords illegally attached to you - to make them sneeze, fart, or go to the bathroom in their pants.
NOTE: This has been proven to be helpful to stop them from doing these things to you.
Also, another horrendous practice is their separation of your own higher bodies. To fight this easily, one must procure a silver or golden necklace - not only does it provide a strong tie to yourself - which must be removed if they get you separated somehow, in order to get back together - but also, the gold itself provides a deterrent to evil.
NOTE: This does not usually happen against your will as my trainers made me believe.
Their use of mumbo jumbo and backwards words only works really well when they have practiced a few key ones. Saying it at the same time as they do, in their astral plane, can undo it. Also, they practice circle and line magic, often connected to genitalia, to make certain magic work.
NOTE: This is really true.
They take pills and stuff you swallow straight from your esophagus. They steal your higher bodies' breath, make them silent, make you believe they do not exist. The remedy? Talk with yourself often. Do not let evil make you believe you never ingested it. Thank you.
NOTE: This may or may not be true, and I am unsure of its veracity.
BTW, if you or your developing selves has given any permission to evil - as simple as "let me possess you" or "I possess you" or "you will be possessed" - do not give consent - revoke the consent. And take all those permissions back. It helps to record this effort, but it is not essential.
NOTE: This is still very true;
Permissions handbook:
NOTE: This could be helpful even if you have never given any permissions.
NOTE on all of these things: Take information you read on the Internet with grains of salt: people are different and experience things in their own ways. Not everything is to be taken so seriously in life.
To secure yourself against the Four Wynds (accident, cause and effect (karma), fate, and will) of yourself and others..
You may try to do the following checklist I am making here available... for your safety and peace of mind.
There are two by two types of sockets... sending and receiving... and two types of these: command or data sockets. (at least, that is what I think they use on us people unwittingly at times) They have also been known to use the following types of connection possibilities in technology: ethernet cable type (RJ25?), RCA cable type, coaxial cable type, HDMI cable type, telegraph wire, and there may be others. (addition: telephone type, electrical socket type, audio jack type, microphone/guitar 1/4 inch jack type, and also AC/DC power types - further: maybe wireless signals and cellular signals (of any established or unestablished as of yet types) - who knows, maybe satellite uplinks as well)
They sometimes use data sockets for thought, emotion, sensation (hearing and vision), or anything they plan to implement (such as various types of energies) by "force of their mechanical evil"..
They use orifices, chakras, mind/consciousness, soul, private parts (men and women) as connection points.
How? That is unimportant. You must proceed to fight these evils if you are aiming to be a conscious being.
This could be fictional remember, but hear the list anyway.
___ Chakras - seven mainly, but sometimes more or less
___ Facial orificies (7 - eyes, nose, mouth, and ears) - bodily orifices (3)
___ Body parts, (nipples, arms, hands, etc.)
___ Meridians - mainly 12 of these
___ Mind
___ Will//Intent
___ Awareness/Consciousness
___ Soul
___ Brains/Nervous Systems
___ Spirit
___ Face/Head, Torso/Abdomen/Chest, Legs/Pelvis/Crotch
___ _____________
___ _____________
___ _____________
___ etc.
(P.S. you may have to do this repeatedly at first, and maybe each day or each twilight, etc.)
To disconnect, prevent connection, or to connect at your own will or intent - it is important to proceed in these matters of higher experience by faith at first, through simple commands to yourself, such as "disconnect" and feeling the intent and performing the action as best you can. Eventually, you will feel the sucess of your attempts, and you will at that point develop your faith into confidence. May the force be with you all and blessid be.
Futhermore, pne may observe themselves at moments, at first, or during lengths of times - but it is possible, I have witnessed, to observe some of this list "in action" unwittingly - and the sign is seeing it spread out, to your awareness.
(Hint: They were sending commands to my left nose, eye and ear, and then sending things through data ones on my right side of my head - and other things besides - this was real for me, unfortunately - and I hope this is not widespread, and I hope the right people get this information. I do not intend to spread the curse, but the cure. God bless!)
One may simply "pull it back together" or "collect themselves" to put a stop to this unwarranted and often illegal connecting.
An old modem terminology may also be helpful: half-duplex means sending or receiving in one direction and full-duplex means sending and receiving at the same time.
Lastly, they often connect using their picture after you awake each morning - and you can sometimes sense what connection they are setting up. It may be universally disconnecting during dreaming or deep sleep.
May the Light protect you, guide you, and serve you, for the rest of your days on Earth. Good riddance to this kind of espionage in our world - it only brings darkness for those who perpetrate these crimes - on themselves and others. Never forget that forgiveness is important - and also, that the old magical 101 rule operates on mostly all planes. People are often unaware that their evil is producing evil on they, themselves, due to "getting back" - or "karmic rebuttals" - and they are allowing the very things, by the nature of the universe, on themselves and those they care about - in the very present.
Additionally, it has come to my attention there may be male or female (protruding or receptive) inside or outside... they can make a plug in you connect to a socket outside, as well, in other words.